Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Remember when Obama said he wanted a national security force? Not the national guard, but a civilian one that has not sworn to uphold the Constitution? 

On July 2, 2008 in a speech in Colorado Springs, Barack Obama called for starting a Police State........Obama just got his Private Army in the Obama Health Care Bill!

The purpose of the Ready Reserve Corps is to fulfill the need to have additional Commissioned Corps personnel available on short notice (similar to the Uniformed Services Reserve program aka National Guard) to assist regular Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions. Since when have the citizens of the United States ever needed this kind of Army under the President's power? 

The Constitution restricts the President from engaging our own armed services within the United States borders, so Obama went around this law to get these necessary soldiers. Why you ask?  

Because he is expecting more public demonstrations and outrage like in Europe happening right here as soon as he is forced to take back all of spending programs and cut back on government services that have no income tax funding. Hello Greece riots and other unrest?

How many of you were aware of the fact that the Obama Health Care Bill created another army?...And no one seems to have noticed! Just listen to Judge Napolitano!

It is buried in the small print:
It is within the Senate revisions to the health care bill. Subtitle C Increasing the Supply of the Health Care Workforce Sec. 5201. Federally supported student loan funds. Sec. 5202. Nursing student loan program. Sec. 5203. Health care workforce loan repayment programs. Sec. 5204. Public health workforce recruitment and retention programs. Sec. 5205. Allied health workforce recruitment and retention programs. Sec. 5206. Grants for State and local programs. Sec. 5207. Funding for National Health Service Corps. Sec. 5208. Nurse-managed health clinics. Sec. 5209. Elimination of cap on commissioned corps. Sec. 5210. Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps. Subtitle D Enhancing Health Care Workforce Education and Training.

See the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, page 1312: SEC. 5210. ESTABLISHING A READY RESERVE CORPS. Section 203 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 204) is amended to read as follows: SEC. 203. COMMISSIONED CORPS AND READY RESERVE CORPS. (a) ESTABLISHMENT (1) IN shall be in the Service a commissioned Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps for service in time of national emergency. (2) REQUIREMENT. All commissioned officers shall be citizens of the United States and shall be appointed without regard to the civil-service laws and compensated without regard to the Classification Act 2 of 1923, as amended. (3) APPOINTMENT. Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall be appointed by the President and commissioned officers of the Regular Corps shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. (4) ACTIVE DUTY. Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall at all times be subject to call to active duty by the Surgeon General, including active duty for the purpose of training. (5) WARRANT OFFICERS. Warrant officers may be appointed to the Service for the purpose of providing support to the health and delivery systems maintained by the Service and any warrant officer appointed to the Service shall be considered for purposes of this Act and title 37, United States Code, to be a commissioned officer within the Commissioned Corps of the Service. (b) ASSIMILATING RESERVE CORP OFFICERS INTO THE REGULAR CORPS.—Effective on the date of enactment of the Affordable Health Choices Act, all individuals classified as officers in the Reserve Corps under this section (as such section existed on the day before the date of enactment of such Act) and serving on active duty shall be deemed to be commissioned officers of the Regular Corps. [Note here that those personally appointed by BO -- without advice and consent of the Senate -- automatically become a part of the Regular Corps. Ed.] (c) PURPOSE AND USE OF READY RESERVE. (1) PURPOSE. The purpose of the Ready Reserve Corps is to fulfill the need to have additional Commissioned Corps personnel available on short notice (similar to the uniformed services reserve program) to assist regular Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions. (2) USES.The Ready Reserve Corps shall (A) participate in routine training to meet the general and specific needs of the Commissioned Corps; (B) be available and ready for involuntary calls to active duty during national emergencies and public health crises, similar to the uniformed service reserve personnel; (C) be available for backfilling critical positions left vacant during deployment of active duty Commissioned Corps members, as well as for deployment to respond to public health emergencies, both foreign and domestic; and (D) be available for service assignment in isolated, hardship, and medically underserved communities (as defined in section 399SS) to improve access to health services. (d) FUNDING. for the purpose of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Commissioned Corps under this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to the Office of the Surgeon General for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014. Funds appropriated under this subsection shall be used for recruitment and training of Commissioned Corps Officers.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


In 1782, Charles Thomson, a Founding Father was chosen by Continental Congress to come up with the final design for the Great Seal of the United States. On June 20, 1782, Congress approved Thomson's design for both sides of the Great Seal whose official description for the reverse side specifies:


Origin and Meaning of the Motto Above the Eye

"A Pyramid unfinished. In the Zenith an Eye in a triangle surrounded with a glory proper. Over the Eye these words 'Annuit Cœptis'. The Eye over it & the motto Annuit Coeptis allude to the many signal interpositions of providence in favour of the American cause." The "all-seeing eye of God" is looking favorably over America.


Origin and Meaning of the Date & Motto Beneath the American Pyramid

"On the base of the pyramid the numerical letters MDCCLXXVI & underneath the following motto. 'novus ordo seclorum'. The date underneath is that of the Declaration of Independence , 1776, and the words under it signify "the beginning of the new American Æra", which commences from that date." Novus ordo seclorum does not mean "new world order".


The Meaning of the Eye Above the American Pyramid

Those actual facts really ruin any really mysterious conspiracy theory about the ominous threatening EYE to foreshadowing evil or tragic developments on the one dollar bill.


The Meaning of the Big Brother - The Overton Window

It is more important that we keep an eye on the all-seeing eye of Big Brother. It is real. Obama has created, passed and signed into law some of the most sweeping reforms legislation in our nation's history. It has not only redistributed our wealth through taxation, but it has usurped our individual rights as citizens, subordinated our lives under punishing Federal laws and redefined our religious and morale values.

This completely degenerative decay has taken place right under our watchful eyes because we did not keep our eyes on the ball. It is Transformative Learning through our public schools, colleges and mass media.
Transformative Learning is a term used in educational theory to describe a process which leads the learner to re-evaluate past beliefs and experience which had previously been understood within assumptions derived from others. (Simply put, what you learned in the past from parents, friends and others is to be questioned and disregarded for Progressive Liberal ideas.)

Progressives like Obama know an important part of Transformative Learning is for individuals to change their frames of reference by critically reflecting on their assumptions and beliefs and consciously making and implementing plans that bring about new ways of defining their worlds. This process is fundamentally rational and analytical, it is utilizing The Overton Window. See the CakeLog Blog on The Overton Window - July 9, 2010.

When does Obama Call a Spade a Spade?

Let's do a Google Search on who Barry Soreto or Barrack Hussein Obama or Whoever he is and see what description he now calls himself in today's context.

Obama was a fraud to begin with, and big mainstream media let him get away with it and con the public. Barrack was the unknown media Manchurian candidate campaigning on the promise of being a "Post-Racial Prejudice" candidate in 2008 tearing down the racial epitaphs, the old prejudices,  the equal opportunity barriers to bring all people together without regard to skin color or ethnicity.  Say hello there, Martin Luther King, Jr. wanna-be?  Now, the Obama slogan and campaign has abruptly changed in 2010.

With the various polls showing the significant numbers of voters rejecting the Obama Socialist Agenda and big government spending, Team Obama is realizing that they face huge losses in the 2010 November Elections because independent voters, centrist democrats, young voters and a growing number of middle class taxpayers have awakened from their Obama crazed twilight sleep to realize that they have some real tax bills to pay and have personal rights being taken from them.

Obama knows that mid-term election voter numbers are light in the voting booths. He also recognizes the huge voter base that he had has to be shored up to win various elections too. So,  he must energize his minority voting base and try to excite these voters with racial issues to get out their votes. 
Just look at the growing adversity he and his race along with other minorities have to rise up against now: The Arizona Immigration Law, the Black Panther Party, the ACORN voter scandal, the black college professor Henry Gates alleged race arrest by police, the Tea Party campaign racial slurs and campaign posters, the NAACP racial prejudice allegations are all racially divisive issues that  should stir up these voters. It remains to be seen if any of these tactics will create controversial talking points to work up these voter numbers to make up the difference in voter turnout.
One commentator recently called this new political campaign tactic the "Obama Negroization" campaign plan because he must take back his "Post-Racial Prejudice" candidate moniker and now put himself in the back seat of the bus in order to illicit  the mantle of the struggle as a poor colored boy jest trying to get this election won for candidates who will get through all of the socialist spending bills. Anybody who is against the Obama Agenda is now a racial bigot and should be marginalized immediately! 

Obama, as he sees it, is now calling a Spade a Spade; anyone who dares to question him or his programs is a Racial Bigot!  I prefer instead to call Obama what he really is, a real Joker and you always bury it in the deck or discard it before you deal any honest above-the-board card game.


Note:  The "Google" header and "Joker" card illustrate the point of this blog when candidates flash the "race card" in any public forums to advance their race-baited positions to gain votes, it brings out the worst.

Apologies to not credit both graphic artists since they have been long forgotten as these graphic icons continue on to float around in the public Internet cyber-world promoting racial bigotry, intolerance and misunderstanding. Once the genie is out of the bottle, it is difficult to to put it back and cork it.  Is this another Obama "teachable moment"? Obama, thank you for creating and injecting into our American conscience your "Post-Racial Prejudice" candidate legacy!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Tide is Finally Turning

Obama & Environmental Laws Produced Oil in the Gulf Waters

Due to over-regulation and wrong-headed environmental laws, the petroleum industry was forced off land and pushed into deep water exploration and drilling in the name of Eco-Friendly preservation.  The results were disasterous due to the near term results of using new technologies without significant experience in a wide range of outcome options. Therefore, to reverse or correct unexpected negative senarios, it is trial and error as the rules are being written into the drilling and safety operations manuals.

Rather than experiment with our delicate environment,  emphasis on land oil production would safe-guard the environment while further development and testing before going full bore into off-shore techniques  would protect the future with more reliable deep water technology. 

Now, in more Federal Government meddling in technologies that they don't understand or know how to operate, they continue to regulate even further..... 

Look out for the "Cap and Trade" Bill to pass the Congress shortly to control industry and individuals' CO2 carbon footprint through a massive energy tax program.

Obama's Perfect Storm for the Gulf States
Now not only Where to drill, it is now When to drill with a newly enacted Federal moratorium that will further kill  off the Gulf States economies with no hope of returning for at least five to ten years. Why is that?  

Because the drilling companies are removing rigs and equipment to continue exploring for oil around the globe to make money.  They can't wait for the United States to make its mind up on what to do about their oil industry. Meanwhile, other countries and their economies benefit from our Federal policies. How is that?

Look at the "Endangered Species Act" to legislate wildlife conservation by confiscating private property deemed to be publicly owned and "Arctic National Wildlife Refuse Act" to prevent drilling "ANWR", the largest single untapped source of American oil on 2,000 sq acres of land for energy U.S. self-reliance. The United States Government has no pro-business National Energy Policies, Obama's only plans are to relegate us down to an also ran country in the New World Order.

By the way, you do know that the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil? You don't? Well, there goes that Obama again, not telling the American public about what he's up to, just going out to do one more thing for his legacy. Sooner or later, LOL, he'll hit on something he can hang his hat on besides our economic ruin. Nah, don't you worry your pretty now! Obama is not financing our tax dollars with any American companies. See, you already feel all better now?

Yeah, the U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance their exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil's Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro.

Brazil's planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met August 30, 2009 with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan. This corporate foreign aid may strike some as odd, given that the U.S. Treasury seems desperate for cash and Petrobras is one of the largest corporations in the Americas.

Why not here in Alaska or along the East and West Coasts, which could be our equivalent of the Tupi oil fields? Do you think Obama cut any deals back in that Summit of Americas last year with those Liberal left-wing governments?

Oh, did I mention that Peter Soros, one of Obama's biggest election contributors is also the largest stockholder in Petrobras. Any connections or political influence or pay-offs here?..... Nah! 

The Rapture According to Obama

Here is an ad during the election from an Oregon  Newspaper depicting Obama as he was shown to be our Nations' answer for our new Beloved Leader, Comrade -In-Arms President.

The symbolics of these images are astounding as He walks on water, with a powerful, strong white stallion in the background behind Him which looks like He just arrived from the gloriously lit Heavens above on that white horse (which is Biblical for Jesus’ “coming back to Earth on a white horse with ten thousands of His saints”).
And what is that in His right hand?. ..Looks like it has a letter “B” inscribed on it as if it is "the apocalyptic mark of 666" which under the last days the number 666 encodes the letters of someone’s name who is yet to be identified, but is commonly referred to as the Beast (Rev.13:18), or the Antichrist (1 John 22), (notice the sparkle accents around his hand to draw the eye to that area). So, does the "B" stand for "Beast" or "Barrack"?...Hmmn.

The roses are thrown at His feet, the masculine tawny muscular body ripped with abs and shirt open to expose His physical being, more perfect than any other man on earth or in Heaven, with the determined look of an absolute leader, finally chosen by all, ordained and crowned King of Kings, Lord of all Men and the Commander and Absolute Chief of the New World Order Government Body.  All bow low and praise his infinite wisdom!
Glory be to Barrack in the Highest!

WOW!! I am so dazzled by this guy and really need sunglasses to look at him.  Do you think the rapture has already happened?  Will our Beloved Leader Barrack tell us when it is near because he knows everything good for us? 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Getting Down to Brass Tacks

You don't think excessive taxation changes people's thinking?...Think again!
It is argued that the idiom, "Getting down to brass tacks", is derived from the "Brass Tax of 1854". The tax, put into place by the U.S. government, was received as a direct attack on Southern slave owners, who relied heavily on brass products for daily functions on the plantation. "Get down to brass tax" was initially used to mean "stoop to someone's level" or "deal a low blow" in reference to the South's interpreted "cheap shot" from the U.S. government.

After the Civil War, however, it is also noteworthy that the tax, in addition to creating revenue for the government, led to a sharp increase in the cost of many instruments. Tubas, trumpets, cornets, french horns, and other popular brass instruments gave way to flutes, piccolos, clarinets and oboes as the more affordable woodwind instruments' popularity skyrocketed. Evidence of this is most notable when examining Civil War marching music which relies heavily on the beating of percussion instruments and melodies from the woodwind family. Brass instruments are noticeably absent.

What things are we going to go without or give up after the highest deficits in the history of the United States along with the most punitive income taxes ever levied after January 1, 2011?  

Wow, what if Washington Politicians let on about all of these taxes before the 2010 Presidential Elections?....Those stupid voters will be too late to figure it out!  Har! Har! LOL!

Sunday, July 11, 2010




HISTORY repeating itself

With the Voter Fraud issue rearing its ugly head again, get ready for Obama to call for Voter Ballot and Poll Watchers to oversee this problem. Question is who is the watching the hen house?. COI (See answer below)

ACORN name changes

As part of a re-branding effort by ACORN leadership, ACORN International changed its name in 2010 to COI, Community Organizations International.

As part of the effort by some state chapters to stay afloat by severing ties with the national organization, California ACORN changed its name to Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment and New York ACORN renamed itself New York Communities for Change.

DOCUMENTARY reveals truths

Today a Beverly Hills based film producer Bettina Viviano, founder of Viviano says the House stole the Presidential nomination from Hillary and the Illinois Senate seat from Alice Palmer. ...... It did during the Kennedy-Nixon battle when Illinois Chicago voter fraud gave Kennedy his win.

Comment - October 10, 2008,  Bettina Viviano on the Hillbuzz  
I am the producer of We Will Not Be Silenced along with Gigi Gaston, a documentary filmmaker with a life long history as a Democrat who was the Granddaughter of a Democrat Governor of Massachusetts. Yes, we intend to capture every single moment of the filthy dirty DNC and Obama Campaign’s shams and illegal activity during this 2008 Presidential Election. Making this film has made me very sad for America. First, for Hillary, who was ROBBED of the nomination she won LEGALLY and second for the fact that the Obama Campaign is making a mess of the voter process with all of the fraud. Obama will do anything to win, anything. No matter who he violates or how many laws are broken. He’s a bad guy. There’s sooo much wrong with this election. So much hate, racism, anger, cheating, lies, criminal acts, you name it, from the Obama side. We will never have a fair election and Pelosi, Dean and all of them are giggling to death that they are getting away with this fraud. We will expose it for GOOD. But please everyone stay on your reps to stop the fraud. We have to do what we can to keep Obama from stealing the White House the way he stole the nomination from Hillary and the Illinois Senate seat from Alice Palmer. She’s a cheater and has never won anything playing fairly.

DOJ Says “Don’t Purge Dead or Ineligible From Voting Rolls”

July 10th, 2010
It’s not just the New Black Panther case: in November 2009, political appointee Julie Fernandes told a packed room of Voting Section employees to simply ignore this provision of the "Motor Voter" law.
By J. Christian Adams,
I was at the Voting Section of the Justice Department for over five years. This office is responsible for enforcing most federal election laws which do not involve criminal matters. My previous articles at Pajamas Media have spoken of the DOJ’s lawless abandonment of race-neutral enforcement of voting laws, and other outrageous conduct. I will continue to publish here at Pajamas Media more instances of failure to enforce the law equally by the Department.



The December 2010 LAME DUCK SESSION
 2010 Election Politician Losers & Obama
Steal MORE Rights & Taxes!

December 25, 2010. Christmas Eve. During Christmas Holiday, Obama calls the Congress back into session to have the Congress pass more bills behind the voter's backs without debate or bipartisan support or votes. Obama pulls out every stop to pass all of his Liberal Progressive agenda since he lost both the House and Senate in the November 2010 Elections. He throws all of those borderline Democrats under the bus to get the next slate of ultra-left wing politicians into those offices in the next election turn.

Friday, July 9, 2010

VAT Taxes seen thru The Overton Window

Barrack is the Master Manipulator of The Overton Window, a political theory that describes a "window" in the range of public reactions to ideas in public discourse, in a spectrum of all possible options on a particular issue.The theory says the window will gradually move over time based on a variety of factors, including truth, facts, arguments, big events and misinformation, to name a few. It is named after its originator, Joseph P. Overton, a brilliant public policy strategist and ardent free-marketer.

At any given moment the “window” includes a range of policies considered to be politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion, with “acceptable” defined as something a politician can recommend without being considered too “extreme” or outside the mainstream to gain or keep public office. Sounds like the ones introduced in the Obama progressive policies and programs? 

When the window moves or expands, it means that ideas previously not considered politically acceptable have become so, and possibly that ideas previously considered acceptable are no longer. The Overton Window is a means of visualizing which ideas define that range of acceptance by where they fall in it. Proponents of policies outside the window seek to persuade or educate the public so that the window either “moves” or expands to encompass them. Sounds like the selling of the Obama policies and programs?

Like the old shell game, Obama palms the pea before he moves the  shells around. Obama shifted the Overton Window to focus in on those extra 30 Million people he covered under the expanded health care coverage and his promise to stay under the $1 Trillion  Dollar price tag. Obama just forgot to include the extra $1.1 Billion bill to pay for more I.R.S. Agents to administer it. Obama needs the VAT tax  to pass it in the lame duck congressional session at Christmas time with those Democrat politicians voted out of office who Obama threw under the bus to pass his stimulus and health care packages for his socialist collective salvation of the United States.

Take a look at the effective Income Taxes on the table below. How about a U.S. Tax of  70%?  (55% + 15%)  Is that redistribution?  Also proposed, an additional 1 1/2% Annual Net Worth Tax on high earners. 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

HAPPY JULY 4th 2010 United States of America

My American hero is my nephew Lt. Charles Remaley in the U.S. Army. I am very proud of him as David, his father; Jane, his mother; Seth, his brother; and Lt. Col. Harold Anderson,  his grandfather, is too!  It is young men like this that make all of us feel safe because they are protecting us and keeping us from harm.  I just wanted to say thank you to so many of my friends and relatives who contributed gifts to Charlie and his troop while they were in Iraq. They really appreciated all that you did to show that they were still loved and prayed for while in battle.


Charlie's Company in Prayer

 Ronald Reagan - Normandy, France
June 1984
Our troops remembered and revered by our 40th President of the United States
God Bless America!