Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Object of My Affection

George Clooney, Sr., a columnist of the Cincinnati Post, father of George Clooney Jr., is a paid announcer for the liberal National Public Broadcasting Channel to solicit new donations for more private taxpayer funds for the Federally funded television stations with an obvious Left Wing bias .

Tonight, George Sr. sang during a "station Break" to the tune of "The object of my affection can change my complexion from white to rosy red anytime she holds my hand and tells me that she's mine" by Pinky Tomlin. I had to really, really laugh out loud! George had NO clue that he had teamed up with an ultra- conservative Republican! How rich is that?

I knew that musical composer and was present in his home down the street from mine in Westwood Hills, CA when Pinky Tomlin, an ardent Republican, allowed my mother to rewrite his lyrics to use them in the Nixon for Governor race in California in 1962 . I personally sat in Pinky Tomlin's living room as he strummed on his guitar and sang the lyrics.

Pinky sang, " You are the object of my affection when you can change the state's complexion from Brown (Democrat Governor Edmond G. "Pat" Brown, Sr.) to crystal clear, you don't need the "New Frontier" (Referring to JKF's New Frontier Campaign) , Dick Nixon is just fine." Obviously, this is many years ahead and before the Watergate scandals, but others were still on the horizon too. (Hello?, "I did not not have sex with that women.") LOL!

Times haven't changed over the last 46 years, just the names, Hello?, Barrack Hussein Obama!

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