Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tea & Coffee

You Liberals out there: Forget about the Tea Baggers and better start worrying about the Coffee Drinkers, the folks who have finally woke up and smelled the coffee! LOL!

Politicians voting for all of these crazy spending bills will be losing their seats in the next elections. Obama should worry about his other bigger problem. Currently, Obama keeps out of his limelight Hilary Clinton and sends her out of the country far away because she is his worst nightmare that is a brewing. She is a huge potential presidential adversary whose political clock is ticking away fast like a time bomb.

Obama, as a lightweight lame-duck candidate, will lose against shrewd Hillary, a rough and tumble, eye gouging, nail scratching, bitch of a street fighter that doesn't fight fair at all. I'd put my bets on Hillary to save the Demos from total demise in the next Presidential election meltdown.

You go Obama, you now own it, with your 10.2% to 17.9% unemployment rate (Depending if you forget about the people who have run out of the dole and given up on looking for jobs) that has been counted as a bust for the TARP and a real political disaster that the voters will remember.

Obama's fast, sweet, charmin' type talk ain't gonna cut it when personal taxes go through your roof literally. Especially, under your own roof, with the Cap & Trade Bill's expensive New House license you have to renew every year and pay for like your Car, Boat, Fishing, Hunting licenses. You will have a "Label" that has to be conspicuously displayed on your property indicating energy efficiency and federal law compliance to the construction of your home.The label cost is starting out at $200.00 and will no doubt go up each year. Start measuring your square footage! LOL! Loser Obama is a REAL L-O-S-E-R!

The Congressional Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) estimates that in a few years the Cap & Trade average cost to every family of four will be $6,800 or more per year. No one is excluded. It is nice and high with various methods of forced compliance like stiff fines, property seizure and Federal prison time for offenders. LOL! Gotta luv him, Mister OBAMA! OH! OH! OH! OBAMA! LOL!

Gotta add, that once Obama sees his lower income earners getting the squeeze and he is gonna lose their vote, he'll give them the refunds and write-offs while the middle class, over $35,000 per year gets the hit. LOL! Oh-Oh-Oh-Obama! Income redistribution! Yea!


Anonymous said...

I was not aware of the Cap & Trade provision for a house label each year. I checked out the label and you have to have a service like a smog check service come out to your house for inspection. So, it will be more than just that $200 label. More bad news on top of that house label.

Anonymous said...

It just gets better and better. Like I always say, each new day brings a new surprise. Surprise! Surprise! I hate surprises. Oh-Oh-Oh-Obama! God help us. Love the blog; very informative and appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Lay off Obama! He is cleaning up a mess. The richer voters got to realize that some more taxes will be paid because other people don't make the money they do. So they gotta know that they have to work more to give it to people that don't want to work as hard. Besides, the people that need the money have to have more time off because they are stressed for not having more money. Okay?